Saturday 28 March 2015

Meru County Weather Advisories for MAM Season 2015

Meru County experiences a bimodal rainfall pattern (two seasonal rainfall peaks in a year), that is the March-May and October- December seasons.   The outlook for the 2015 March-April-May rains for Meru County indicates that the County is likely to receive generally depressed to near normal rains. Distribution is likely to be generally poor in most parts of the County. Near Average rainfall is expected in April and slightly enhanced during the Month of May. Onset is expected during the 3rd to 4th week and cease during the 2nd to 3rd week of May.

1.       Upper Highlands: Tea and Dairy Zone
These areas include Abogeta West, Igoji West, Nkuene, Abothuguchi West, Thangatha, upper Kangeta, Akachiu, Maua, Antubochiu & Kiegoi wards.
Expected scenario
·         Rainfall onset expected during 3rd to 4th week of March and cease during the 2nd – 3rd week of May
·         Near-normal rains are expected in this zone.
Seasonal advisories
·         Establishment, construction, and rehabilitation of Soil and water conservation structures and establish rain-water harvesting structures (roof catchments etc)
·         Conservation/preservation of farm produce from OND 2014 season)
·         Plant fast maturing food crop varieties
Proper sanitation (vector control and surveillance, personal hygiene and proper use of latrines, chemical and natural water treatment)

  1. Middle Zones: Coffee and Banana Zones
These include Nyaki West, Ntima East, Ntima West, Municipality, Nkomo, Abogeta East, Akithii, Abothuguchi Central, Thangatha, Kiguchwa, Njia, Kangeta, Athiru rujine, Akiriang’ondu, Ntunene, Antuamburi, Naathu, Antubetwe kiongo and Amwathi Wards.
Expected rainfall (Scenario)
·         Rainfall onset expected during 3rd to 4th week of March and cease during the 2nd – 3rd week of May
·         Near-normal rains are expected in this zone.

·          Establishment, construction, and rehabilitation of Soil and water conservation structures and establish rain-water harvesting structures (roof catchments etc.)
·         Conservation/preservation of farm produce from OND 2014 season)
·         Plant early maturing food crop varieties
·         Proper sanitation (vector control and surveillance, personal hygiene and proper use of latrines, chemical and natural water treatment)  
3.   LOWER ZONES: Sorghum-Millet -Grazing Zones
These areas include Kibirichia (Ntugi & Ntumburi), Kiirua, Naari, Ruiri, Rwarera, Nyaki East, Rwanda, Kianjai, Akithii, Athwana, Abogeta East, Igoji East, Mitunguu, Mikinduri, Mwanganthia, Kiagu, Muthara, Thangatha, Karama, Njia, Kangeta, Akirang’ondu, Amwathi, Igembe East, Ntunene,  Antuamburi, Naathu, Athirurujine, Kanuni, Athirugaiti and Antubetwe kiongo Wards
·         Rainfall onset expected to be 3rd to 4th week of March and cease during the 2nd – 3rd week of May
·         Below normal rains are expected in this zone.
·         Conservation/preservation of farm produce and fodder from OND 2014 season)
·         Plant early maturing crop varieties with more emphasis on pulses, sorghum, millets, cassava
·         Establish rain-water harvesting structures (roof catchments, surface run-offs etc.)
·         Proper  resource management and utilisation to minimise conflicts (water related, grazing areas, crop destruction by migrating livestock, human-wildlife conflicts)
·         Proper sanitation (vector control and surveillance, personal hygiene and proper use of latrines, chemical and natural water treatment)
Integrate conservation agriculture practices such as minimum tillage, soil cover, application of FYM and compost manures

4.      Areas of Buuri Sub-County (Wheat, Irish Potatoes, Fodder): parts of Kibirichia, Timau, Kisima and upper parts of Kiirua-Naari wards

Expected rainfall (Scenario)
·      Rainfall onset expected during 3rd to 4th week of March and cease during the 2nd – 3rd week of May
·      Near-normal rains are expected in this zone.
·      Timau area is likely to receive more enhanced rainfall than other areas of Buuri

·   Establishment, construction, and rehabilitation of Soil and water conservation structures and establish rain-water harvesting structures (roof catchments etc)
·   Establishment of woodlots
·   Preservation of farm produce and fodder from OND 2014 season)
·   Plant early maturing crop varieties
·   Timely planting, weeding, proper pest and disease management
Proper sanitation (vector control and surveillance, personal hygiene and proper use of latrines, chemical and natural water treatment)

For full advisories visit Meru County Weather Advisories for MAM Season 2015 
and Seasonal Outlook for Long Rains MAM Season 2015

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